Targeted Lead Generation
for Service Businesses

Boosting Client Acquisition for Finance Professionals,
Plumbers, Electricians and Cleaners

More Leads

Generating local leads for niche specific businesses is our forte. And you're the client we're here to serve

More Ratings

More clients naturally gives away more ratings & reviews, which is the simple yet perfect solution for your business

Grow Revenue

A great deal of leads and clients means you can be picky with only the higher quality clients for an increased amount of revenue

Unlock More 5-Star Google Reviews

You get a free Google Review App and we’ll also optimize your Google Business Profile for you while we’re at it. We’ll contact you within one business day to set up a quick Zoom meeting together to get the info we need for your app, and to show you how to install the app on your phone. (Works with both iPhone and Android)

Seriously. It’s all free.

Local Searches are Skyrocketing

“Near me” searches have increased 900% in the last two years. Here are some other stats you should know.

  • 46% of all searches on Google are now local
  • 97% of Google’s users have searched for local businesses
  • 88% of local searches result in a call within one day
  • 86% of Google Maps customers look for local businesses
  • Mobile devices drive over $1.4 trillion in local sales

We’ll get you a bigger piece of this pie.

Our Procedure

How It Works

Managed Website & Social Profiles

Your website, Google business profile & social platforms overseen leads to more leads, no pun intented.

Seamless Lead & Client Nurturing

As trust is a crucial factor for the service type businesses we serve, we make sure to gradually build that up

Strategically Launched Campaigns

Ads, emails & social campaigns leads to higher visibility, authority & trust, which we manage strategically

What We Do For You

Your Outcomes

Visibility & Authority

Website, social media, Google business profile all made out, optimized and maintained regularly

Higher Ratings & Reviews

Increased rankings for website & GMB profile locally and more reviews with higher ratings on top

More Client Conversions

Qualified leads full of trust towards the business resulting in an increased conversion rate

Nurtured Leads & Clients

Nurtured leads & clients with niche-specific strategies for higher retention rate & referrals

Increased Revenue

Stable source of income & leads and high loyalty clients keeps more clients & revenue coming

Lower Stress & Workload

Everything from social media, websites, Google business profile to leads & clients taken care of

Results Assurance

Free Leads Guaranteed

Get Your First Five Qualified Leads For Free

Your website comes with our guaranteed lead generation service. With us, you can experience the results without the risk.

You’re not just getting a website.

You’re getting a stronger business.

About Me

I’m Hasan Rafid, founder of HR Digital. We specialize in helping finance professionals, plumbers, electricians cleaners & other service type businesses, attract local clients affordably.

We’ve spent the past year perfecting our proprietary system designed for service businesses. If you want to boost visibility, build trust, and stand out from competitors, even the more established ones, our services are designed for you.

We understand the importance of quick results and the challenge of keeping up with digital marketing changes. So, we take care of everything for you 

What Our Clients Say...

Who Is This For

If you need customers from within driving distance of your location, this is for you. This is not for every single type of or online-only businesses.

We work with clients in:

Our Clients' Traits

You have to provide high-quality service.

You must respond promptly to the leads we send you.

We hold ourselves to the highest standards of honesty and integrity and expect the same from our clients.

Get Your Marketing Blueprint

Get your local marketing blueprint using today’s top lead generation tactics.

On this call, you will discover:

  • How to setup & use the Google Review App
  • Multiple new ways to get more visibility for your business
  • How to build trust and authority in your community as a startup
  • How to get clients to choose to work with you even before you talk to them.

If you have the capacity to serve more customers, this is going to be the best 30-minute call you’ve ever had talking about your business.